Main Characters
"What if they just gave up? What if we're not worthy of being saved any more?"

Will (Protagonist)
Will wants to succeed in his new job as a junior researcher for a well-known national magazine. He also wants to find out what happened to The Gemstone Heroes after their disappearance. This was following an alleged attempt on the Prime Minister’s life four years ago. He hopes that his new job will be a way to do that.
Will grew up in the small northern mining town of Esterbridge. A world away from the big city. He is an only child and was raised by single mother, Lilian. The disappearance of his Father when he was a boy took its toll on him. Not directly, as Will’s mother became slowly resentful of having to raise Will herself. This caused Will to find solace in a love of superheroes and the enjoyment of getting lost in his fantastical imagination. The famous and prolific group of superheroes known as "The Gemstone Heroes" were his guiding light through childhood and helped him stay sane through hard times. Suffice to say, their disappearance too hit him hard.
Will has it drilled into his head that he is never good enough. He finds it difficult to speak up for himself and his own needs. This is why this incredible job offer in the big city is something that he really wants to work out. Will needs to learn to come forward and stand out from the crowd. If he wants to be successful, he can’t just wait on the sidelines for something to come along. And when something finally does, he needs to learn that he still needs to jump in with both feet and give it his all. He needs to take life by the horns but also balance that with remaining true to himself.
His journey truly begins when he learns that he might just be one of The Gemstones Heroes himself.
"Our Powers are like a muscle. The more we train, the longer we can use them."

Emerald is the most recent and youngest member of The Gemstone Heroes. He is an avian of unknown species. His plumage appears to put him close to a species of cockatoo. However, his colouration has never been seen before and is said to be exceedingly rare in nature; either a genetic mutation or affected by the fact that his powers originate from an Emerald gemstone within a gold necklace that he always holds close. It is said that he may have originated from somewhere in the south-western lands. Most likely the country of Tierra De Fuerza.
Emerald has the superpower of flight. This is considered coincidental as he is also of avian origin. Avians do not typically have the ability to fly due to their size and weight compared to feral birds. Emerald’s superpower of unassisted flight is seen as something to be idolised and admired in avian communities. Up until Emerald's appearance, 'Avian Flight' was seen as a mythical power and a by-word meaning 'false-hope'. Something that would never happen. But, Emerald is the only avian alive who can be said to have actually achieved that dream. He therefore has quite the following and fandom on his own. This is regardless of his placement within the Gemstone Heroes troupe. Thanks to his youth, he was seen as new blood and a symbol of the future of super-heroism. However, that was before they were embroiled in an attempt on the life of the Prime Minister of the UTGA (United Territories of Greater Anglacia).
Emerald’s goggles are adapted aviation goggles. They appear to be repainted and polished from their original antique state. The lenses appear to have been replaced with UV sunglasses. They are often pointed to by Gemstone Heroes fans as evidence that The Gemstone Heroes create their own suits to mask their identities from the public and that they are not supported by government. Unlike the super-suits of others in the group, Emerald’s appears the most custom in design.
"All powers have an element of relativity. They may look different depending on your point of view."

Sapphire’s emergence as a Gemstone Hero and addition to the troupe is difficult to track back to a single origin. It is not known whether Sapphire was working with the Gemstone Heroes from the beginning, simply out of sight of the viewing public. There were sightings of a Crocodile near to Amber’s lone superhero work during the first days of the emergence of Gemstone Hero powers in the modern day. But whether this was Sapphire specifically remains a mystery. Over the years, it does appear that Sapphire has become less afraid to be seen on camera during moments where the Gemstone Heroes are at work. Particularly after Emerald's addition to the troupe. Sapphire's outfit also appears to have morphed and changed over the years, taking on increasing symbolism and reference to a possible culture of origin.
Sapphire’s species is Crocodile. It is assumed that his origins are from the country of Makan Alwaha. Support for this assumption comes from his most recent ‘super-suit’ which is reminiscent of mystics and stage magicians from the region. Sapphire’s blue hat, known as a 'Jaras' is also known to have been the national headdress of the ancient Empire of Baldatal which has been extinct for many hundreds of years. Baldatal remains the capital city of the modern country of Makan Alwaha.
Sapphire’s superpowers are double in nature; Superintelligence and Telepathy. He is the only Gemstone Hero to be confirmed as having two superpowers. Though debates remain as to whether Superintelligence and Telepathy are indeed separate in nature. It has been observed that he can make others feel calm serenity in a moment of crisis. His role seems primarily to keep citizens calm during high tension moments and allow the rest of his team members to carry out their duties unhindered or with reduced panic in their surroundings. His role is seen to be very much the brains and support. In contrast to the brawn that is seen from the other Gemstone Hero team members.
"Do not expect him to be merciful. He wants this land and has for centuries."

Amber is the first known modern Gemstone Hero. After many years and rumours of an unusual copper-armoured Dragon with super-strength, he was finally caught on camera first by Centrum City News (CCN). He was rumoured to have saved many citizens from personal crises. But it was the video footage of Amber pulling a bus back from the edge of a freeway flyover in the central business district that ended up being quite the powerful global revelation. It was a reveal that super-powered beings were indeed real and very much among us.
Amber is a Red Dragon. Dragons were largely wiped out after The Great Battle between Dragonkind and The Empire of Baldatal many hundreds of years ago. It is thought that only blue-scaled Dragons were left. Of which only small communities still exist today in far southern territories. Therefore, the emergence of a Red Dragon has seeded a great mystery as to his lineage and place of birth in the modern world.
Amber’s armour appears to be made of Copper. Dragons were known to be master metalsmiths and armourers. Historically, Dragon armour is known to balance beauty alongside durability. Amber’s armour is seemingly a conscious reference to The Copper Knight; the legendary figure who led Dragonkind into The Great Battle. It is said that The Copper Knight also had super-strength and was immortal. However, it is known that The Copper Knight was killed in battle. Experts in armour and historical dress consider Amber’s recreation of The Copper Knight’s armour to be frighteningly accurate. This has led to the accusation that the armour is actually stolen. However, no museum or collection has claimed that any items of armour in their care have been stolen or borrowed. If Amber created this armour himself, it is also not known where or how it was created or smuggled into the UTGA from outside. His presence, existence and history remains an enduring mystery, even after his recent disappearance alongside the other Gemstone Heroes.
"The world is lost when no one is on that pedestal. Maybe it’s just our turn."

Ruby is the second most recent Gemstone Hero that appeared publicly as part of the troupe and is thought to be the most powerful. Ruby was first sighted during an event in the east of the UTGA where he used his ability to stop a runaway shipping tanker from crashing into the dock of a small town. It was a fantastically powerful display of abilities. It took many months for the video footage recorded of the event to be deemed genuine and not a stunt for a movie release based on the Gemstone Heroes themselves. It also raised the first questions as to the way the Gemstone Heroes become aware of the events with which they become involved. It was reported by national news that the tanker had lost all power to its engines and a 30-minute window was given before it was projected to crash. Whether this is enough time for the Gemstone Heroes to appear at an event is still up for debate. Especially as their 'base' remains unknown.
Ruby’s powers are the most mysterious and most direct evidence of some kind of higher power. Telekinesis has eluded scientists and religious scholars alike. Ruby’s addition to the troupe, and his adornment with a five-pointed black star necklace, set with a Ruby gemstone, is a direct reference to the Messianic religion of The Church of The Wolf Messiah. The symbol for which is a five pointed black star.
Ruby’s super-suit seems to be a reference to cardinals and bishops of The Church. Many followers of this religion take offence to this imagery being used as a 'super-suit' and accuse Ruby of pushing false prophecy. However, others believe that Ruby is in fact a reincarnation of The Wolf Messiah himself who founded the religion. He too was said to have the powers of Telekinesis as well as some kind of molecular manipulation. Whether Ruby has these powers is unknown. However, as proof of the power of Telekinesis now exists, it is now thought that Molecular Manipulation is also indeed possible on some level.
"What brings down idols is when the public can no longer see them through all the wool that’s been pulled over their eyes."

Diamond was the third gemstone hero to emerge as part of the troupe. Although this is disputed because of his powers; the control of light and invisibility. It is possible he was with the group from the start but simply remained unseen. The usefulness of his powers is debated. It has been observed that he brings light to events that happen at night. It is also rumoured that he has used his powers to sneak up on criminals and prevent them from enacting their plans. It is therefore possible that the Gemstone Heroes are involved in more events than can be easily tracked. His presence in the group has also raised a level of paranoia among grime gangs in the city, with some gangs now moving their operations around regularly in order to prevent surveillance and tracking by an invisible vigilante. Organised crime reporting has dropped 24% since Diamond’s emergence. But whether this actually constitutes a drop in organised crime is up for debate, as it may merely be more difficult to track. Politicians will cite this drop in crime as a benefit of the heroes being around. Critics say that it’s evidence that the Gemstone Heroes are forcing organised crime more dangerously into the shadows.
Diamond’s super-suit appears to be made of skin-tight lycra which hugs his form closely. This might be to allow his powers of light manipulation and invisibility to work better around his form. Despite this, he wears a reflective spherical helmet. This is presumably to provide the utmost anonymity along with a complete tail covering. It is said that his tail is fake and an attempt to hide his true species. Fake tails are common in organised crime and robbery as the tail is a part of the body that can help to quickly identify an assailant or thief. His motives for wanting to hide his true species are unclear. However, after his alleged attempted murder of Prime Minster Ellen Whiteley, it now seems clear indeed. Keen-eyed fans will note that he appears to sport a ring under his left glove. This suggests that he may be in a long-term relationship. It is possible that he is a known person and is protecting a family in secret.